Community Portal

For Beloiters

It’s Thursday, January 23. 

It’s always a great day to be a Beloiter.

  • Writing Works has an open but cozy sitting area with two chairs, a lamp, and a table, as well as an adjacent study room.

    Writing center gets new name and digs

    Writing tutoring will operate with the new name of Writing Works and in its new location in the southeast corner of Morse Library’s first floor. The new space, with access to a study room and a designated sitting area, makes the space more conveniently located on campus and appealing for students and tutors alike.

  • Featured Photo

    Ryan Ulmen'28 swipes into Hamilton commons, and was the first student to do so.
    Braving the cold, Ryan Ulmen’28 was the first student to swipe in for the first meal at the new Hamiltons commons on Monday morning. The updated space in the Powerhouse is now the college’s main dining hall.

Top Announcements

  • Interested in women’s flag football?

    Beloit College is launching a women’s flag football program, which will compete for the first time in spring 2026. Current students are welcome to join the team! If you are interested in playing flag football at Beloit, or learning more, please answer this quick survey.

  • Audition for a Musical – First Date!

    Be part of the first musical in 8 years at Beloit with First Date, a comedy about love, laughter, and awkward encounters. Auditions for acting, singing, and dancing begin January 21, 2025—don’t miss your chance to shine!


  • 20 Questions Survey is live

    All students are asked to answer 20 Questions about their time at Beloit College. These questions are carefully chosen to be about the things that matter most: the things you’ve done, the people who matter to you, and your preparation for the future. Your answers help the college make this campus a better place for you. Please answer today!


Hello Alumni

This page may be more for our Beloiters currently on-campus, but know we are always thinking of you too. Hopefully everything you see here is bringing back fond memories of your own time on campus.

If you’re interested in coming back to campus, look for our upcoming alumni events or opportunities to volunteer.

  • Featured Photo

    Dr. Woodard, or 'The Chief,' as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrit...
    “Dr. Woodard, or ‘The Chief,’ as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrity, a deep knowledge of his subject, and a rare combination of caring for students while maintaining respect and admiration.” – Bruce Bartleson’56
  • Featured Photo

    The Basic Elmos' experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro'76, with Phil Eric...
    The Basic Elmos’ experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro’76, with Phil Erickson’76 and Andy Persily’76 at right.
  • Featured Photo

    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit g...
    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit group is at the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, circa 1970s.
  • Featured Photo

    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations we...
    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations were commonly placed in front of fraternities and sororities and vied to win contests.

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